Facts About Your Weight and Measurements
Safety Assessment
6:25 AM
Whether you like to keep a track of your weight, or avoid weighing scales like the plague, keeping a track of your weight and measurements can help you monitor your health. But, your weight doesn’t just show how healthy you are, which is why we have gathered some fact you may not know about weight and measurements.
1. Muscle weighs more than fat
Think of a professional Rugby player, they eat well and can run around a pitch for 90 minutes but put them on a weighing scale and they will be extremely heavy, but they are extremely healthy. This is because muscle actually weighs more than fat, so you could be losing fat and gain muscle and not see the difference on the scale.
2. Stress can cause weight gain
Stress can be caused by a number of factors, it may be a family feud, tight deadlines or by one of those mornings where everything goes wrong. This stress makes you crave food rich in carbohydrates, which can soothe nerves. Meaning of the stress on a daily basis can lead to a person eating more and therefore putting on more weight.
3. You can change your metabolism
The easiest way to speed up your metabolism and burn more calories and fat is to regularly partake in physical activity, especially weight training. This is because muscle burns more calories than fat mass.
4. Sleep affects your weight
It is recommended that adults sleep 7-8 hours a night, as this allows enough time for our bodies and brain to recharge. But, did you know without the recommended amount of sleep you could also gain weight? Lack of sleep causes a hormone imbalance, which as a result makes people feel hungrier throughout the day.
5. High sugar foods are addictive
Yes, there is a reason why you are always craving a sweet treat. High sugar foods can, in fact, simulate the same part of the brain that is active in other addictions such as drugs or alcohol. Although not dangerous if a person constantly gives into their cravings such as chocolate, chips, ice cream or pop, then this can lead to weight gain.
6. Weight gain may be in your genes
Scientists have discovered that there is a gene that actually puts people at a higher risk of becoming obese and are usually overweight. However, this does not mean that you should through in the towel and think all hope is lost, as with a healthy diet and regular exercise you can lose weight.
If you are looking for equipment that can easily and efficiently take a person’s weight or measurements, then you need to view Risk Assessment Products range of seca scales and measures. Manufacture by industry specialists these products are guaranteed to provide the accurate results that you require.
1. Muscle weighs more than fat
Think of a professional Rugby player, they eat well and can run around a pitch for 90 minutes but put them on a weighing scale and they will be extremely heavy, but they are extremely healthy. This is because muscle actually weighs more than fat, so you could be losing fat and gain muscle and not see the difference on the scale.
2. Stress can cause weight gain
Stress can be caused by a number of factors, it may be a family feud, tight deadlines or by one of those mornings where everything goes wrong. This stress makes you crave food rich in carbohydrates, which can soothe nerves. Meaning of the stress on a daily basis can lead to a person eating more and therefore putting on more weight.
3. You can change your metabolism
The easiest way to speed up your metabolism and burn more calories and fat is to regularly partake in physical activity, especially weight training. This is because muscle burns more calories than fat mass.
4. Sleep affects your weight
It is recommended that adults sleep 7-8 hours a night, as this allows enough time for our bodies and brain to recharge. But, did you know without the recommended amount of sleep you could also gain weight? Lack of sleep causes a hormone imbalance, which as a result makes people feel hungrier throughout the day.
5. High sugar foods are addictive
Yes, there is a reason why you are always craving a sweet treat. High sugar foods can, in fact, simulate the same part of the brain that is active in other addictions such as drugs or alcohol. Although not dangerous if a person constantly gives into their cravings such as chocolate, chips, ice cream or pop, then this can lead to weight gain.
6. Weight gain may be in your genes
Scientists have discovered that there is a gene that actually puts people at a higher risk of becoming obese and are usually overweight. However, this does not mean that you should through in the towel and think all hope is lost, as with a healthy diet and regular exercise you can lose weight.
If you are looking for equipment that can easily and efficiently take a person’s weight or measurements, then you need to view Risk Assessment Products range of seca scales and measures. Manufacture by industry specialists these products are guaranteed to provide the accurate results that you require.